CONNECT Groups  

Fellowship Connect Group

Leader: Rob Sexton, 614-531-4426

Location: Living Hope Church Sanctuary

Day/Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30 PM, May-July

Topic: This adult co-ed small group will meet for fellowship, prayer, and will study the book of Hebrews.

Men's Prayer and Support Group

Leader: Alan Spector, 614-271-8544

Location: Living Hope Church

Day/Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30 PM, May-July

Topic: Are you looking for a space where you can share personal needs, pray with others, and find support? We invite you to join this men's group where we will come together to lift each other up and grow spiritually. 

Women of Hope Monthly Luncheon

Leader: Cristina Duffie, 440-429-4445

Location: Jefferson Meadows Condos Community Center

341 Virginia Court, Pataskala

Day/Time: 2nd Tuesday of each month, 12-2 PM

Emphasis: Fellowship with other women, short devotional, prayer

Childcare: not provided

Living Hope Youth Group

Leader: Tanya Moore, 614-316-1046

Location: Living Hope Church

Day/Time: Sundays, 6-8PM

Topic: Fun, fellowship, worship, prayer, and Bible-based study/discussion. For 6th-12th grades.


Men's Class

Leader: Mark Werner, 614-580-1669

Location: Living Hope Church Teen Room

Day/Time: Every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tuesdays at 7:00 PM

Topic: Fellowship, prayer, and Bible study

Men's Sunday Night Bible Study

Leader: Peter Pranger, 614-364-6869

Location: Living Hope Church, 4th-6th grade classroom

Day/Time: 2nd & 4th Sundays, 6:30 PM

Topic: Fellowship, prayer, and Bible study

Youth Group Bible Study

Leaders: Tanya Moore, 614-316-1046

Location: LHC, 4th-6th grade classroom, May-July

Day/Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30 PM

Bible study for 7th-12th Graders

Young Adult Bible Study

Leaders: Mark & Patty Werner, 614-580-1669 & 614-580-2468

Location: Living Hope Church

Day/Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30 PM

Topic: Bible study focused on the book of Romans